This Is Based $FOB

I am okay with the events that are currently unfolding. Are you?

You should be. This is Based!

$FOB, (stands for "Fine On Base" if you didn't already figure it out), is a deflationary memecoin on Base Mainnet. We are a 0 tax token with burned liquidity, along with a renounced contract. No rugs, no tax farms, no max wallets, no bullsh#t.

CA: 0xa2eb776f262a7d001df8606f74fcfd3ee4a31cc4


At $FOB, we aim to redefine the cryptocurrency market by offering a deflationary memecoin experience. With 0 tax token status and burned liquidity, we ensure a secure and transparent investment opportunity for our community.

Our commitment to integrity and trust is reflected in our renounced contract, ensuring no rugs, no tax farms, and no max wallets. We are dedicated to bringing a no-nonsense approach to cryptocurrency with $FOB.

Through our dedication to transparency and reliability, we aim to build a community that thrives on trust and security. Join us in the $FOB movement and experience a new era of base cryptocurrency.


Total Suppy: 1,000,000,000 $FOB

Circulating Supply: Counting Down

Transaction Limits: No

Wallet Limits: No

Mintable: No

Taxes: 0/0

OnFire! Burn Bot

How to Buy $FOB?

1. Set up your wallet with ETH (Base). Most wallets are pre-programmed, but if you are using MetaMask, you will have to add the custom network.

If you have issues with this rpc, you can try others listed here:

2. Bridge your funds from whichever native chain you are coming from, to ETH (Base). Double check to make sure you're receiving ETH (Base), and not another version (example: ETH, ETH (Poly), WETH). You can use any bridge you prefer. We recommend or

3. Now that you have ETH (Base) in your wallet, you can trade for $FOB. Go to:

How does the bot work? Yason took a large portion of the total supply at launch and sent it to the bot. The bot has been pre-programmed to burn X tokens every Y hours. The bot transfers 250,000 $FOB tokens to the 0xdEad address every 12 hours. This equates to 0.025% per burn, approximately 1.5% per month, and 18% per year. There is work in progress to make this bot available to any project owner who would like to integrate this special utility bot. Of course, a small fee will be required in order to maintain revenue for This Is Based ($FOB)


Phase 4

- Scout More Partnerships and Listing Processes

- Release New OnFire! Utility and Begin Marketing It.

- Top Tier Marketing

- This Is Based NFT Design and Release

- Continue the Devopment of OnFire! Utilities and Branding

  • * Minor detours may take place *





4. Connect your wallet, make sure you're on Base Network, and choose the amount of ETH you would like to trade. Confirm the transaction.

5. You're all set. Now just HODL and enjoy the ride. Engage in the community, participate in some raids, or make some fun memes! Isn't that based?

How are we deflationary if there are no taxes to feed a burn? Well, because we initially deployed on, the creator Yason Borne was able to deploy and gain a large amount of the supply right at launch. He previously made a friend named Sam, who made a custom bot to include an automated burning mechanism.

71% Public Sale 18% OnFire! Burn Bot 5% Development 5% Team 1% Mr. KC Green

Phase 2

- Send the Burn Supply to OnFire!

- "Free the Ape" at and List on Uniswap

- Initiate OnFire! To Begin the Burn Process

- Update All Websites and Social Platforms (Twitter, Dexscreener, Dextools, etc)

- Begin Expanded Upgrades to OnFire! Burn Bot - Initial Marketing Exposure Campaigns

Phase 3

- Release the Updated OnFire! Burn Bot

- Begin Marketing CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko Listingsp

- Begin Next OnFire! Utility Developement (TBA)

- Advanced Marketing Campaign for $FOB token

- PAAL x This Is Based Bot Partnership

Phase 3

- Release the Updated OnFire! Burn Bot

- CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko Listings

- Begin Next OnFire! Utility Developement (TBA)

- Advanced Marketing Campaign for $FOB token

- PAAL x This Is Based Bot Partnership

Phase 1

- Initial Graphic Designs for Maximum Appeal

- Develop Custom Burn Bot Under the Utility Brand Name OnFire!

- Create an Engaging and Informative Website

- Build a Telegram Community and Establish a Presence on Twitter/X - Launch on

Phase 2

- Send the Burn Supply to OnFire!

- "Free the Ape" at and List on Uniswap

- Initiate OnFire! To Begin the Burn Process

- Update All Websites and Social Platforms (Twitter, Dexscreener, Dextools, etc)

- Begin Expanded Upgrades to OnFire! Burn Bot - Initial Marketing Exposure Campaigns

Phase 1

-Initial Graphic Designs for Maximum Appeal

- Develop Custom Burn Bot Under the Utility Brand Name OnFire!

- Create an Engaging and Informative Website

- Build a Telegram Community and Establish Presence on twitter X

- Launch on

Phase 3

- Release the Updated OnFire! Burn Bot

- CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko Listings

- Begin Next OnFire! Utility Development (TBA)

- Advanced Marketing Campaign for $FOB token

- PAAL x This Is Based Bot partnership

CA: 0xa2eb776f262a7d001df8606f74fcfd3ee4a31cc4

Owner: Yason Borne

Telegram: @TheBasedOne

Twitter: @YasonBorne


Project Contacts:

Get in touch

Disclaimer: This website is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Nothing stated or mentioned on or any of it's communities or entities should be taken as financial advice. Cryptocurrency is a high risk industry and you should not invest in any projects, coins, or tokens without understanding these risks. This Is Based ($FOB), the owner, team, websites, or utilities are not responsible for loss of funds. We reserve the right to withdraw our own investments at any time, without notice.